
Курація та партнери проекту

In order to keep capturing new perspectives, the concept of the Pochen Biennale is based on a rotating curation. Every two years we invite new curators to design the artistic program of the Pochen Biennale together with us. In 2023-24 we welcome Serge Klymko as curator of the media art exhibition. The youth exhibition is the responsibility of the "Amt für Wunschentwicklung" and is realized together with young people, Pochen and project partners.

Serge Klymko

Serge Klymko has worked as a curator, cultural manager, researcher and writer at the intersection of visual and performative art, music and planetary science for the last ten years. He has curated a number of cultural and artistic projects in Barcelona, Geneva, Karlsruhe, Kyiv, Malmö, Prague, Riga, Tbilisi, Vienna and Warsaw, collaborating with a wide range of artists and theorists. Serge Klymko is Executive Director of the Kyiv Biennial - an international forum for art, knowledge and politics that integrates exhibitions and discussion platforms. Since 2015, Klymko has been the founder and curator of Khashi, an interdisciplinary space for performative art and urban ecosystem research. In March 2022 he founded ESI - Emergency Support Initiative for the members of the artistic and cultural community in Ukraine who are in need.

Serge Klymko

Amt für Wunschentwicklung

Amt für Wunschentwicklung is a collective of designers who research, test and practice new modes of communication. Enter into cooperation with schools and institutions of art and culture - as a mobile and digital task force for research-based perception and tangible work, experimental and artistic - in the city and in the country. Everyone should be empowered to use creative means and tools to shape desires and redesign the world.

Christin Deringer is a game and learning designer and develops methods and concepts with a playful approach. Their motive: "Sometimes I think: one makes it too easy for oneself, but mostly I think one makes it more complicated than it is." Together with Nikos Probst they develop the youth exhibition for Pochen. Nikos is a visual artist and art educator. The starting point of his artistic and educational work is the examination of everyday observations, techniques and technologies. Objects, images and discourses develop from experiments and approaches of artistic research.

Amt für Wunschentwicklung



Youth welfare organizations: Erika e.V. / Arthur e.V. / CVJM e.V.

Educational institutions: TU Chemnitz / Kultur- und Länderstudien Ostmitteleuropas / TU Chemnitz / Fraunhofer Institut (Bereich Materialwissenschaften) / Lern- und Gedenkort Kaßberg e.V. / Stadtbibliothek Chemnitz / Team Generation der Kulturhauptstadt GmbH, Stasi Unterlagen Archiv

Educational and advisory platforms: ASA ff. e.V.

Art and cultural institutions: Kunstsammlungen Chemnitz / Klub Solitaer e.V. / CWE / Gunzenhauser

Network partner: Netzwerk für Kultur- und Jugendarbeit Chemnitz e.V. 


Educational institutions: jungagiert e.V., Dresden / Sächsische Landeszentrale für politische Bildung, Dresden 

Art and cultural institutions: HELLERAU, Dresden / Amt für Wunschentwicklung, Halle (Saale) / OSTEN Festival, Bitterfeld / Wolfen 


Art and cultural institutions: Ak Studio (Designstudio), Mainz / / Museum für Werte, Berlin


Educational institutions: Center for Urban History Lviv 

Art and cultural institutions: Media Art Biennale WRO / WRO Art Center / GO25 – Nova Gorica – European Capital of Culture 2025 / CCBT Tokio / Laboratoire Kontempo, Kinshasa / Kyiv Biennale / zusaculture / antiwarcoalition.art / Alona Karavai / Instytut Kultury / Jam Factory Lviv

Networks: EMAP - European Media Art Plattform / East Europe Biennial Alliance

PS 2023